I took my first yoga class ever back in 2007 in Duesseldorf/Germany. My body and my mind both enjoyed the movements and the breathing.
Towards the end of the class I felt more grounded and calm. And so I practiced with this teacher for 2 more years until I decided, that I wanted to dive deeper and applied for a 4-year teacher training (800 hrs) with the "Yogaforum Duesseldorf".
My style of yoga has evolved and changed quite a lot throughout the years and it will keep on changing.
Currently I am taking part in an online teacher training called Therapeutic Yoga: Yoga Doc meets Shvetashvatara Upanishad with Dr. Ronald Steiner at the German AYI institute in Ulm.
Yoga personally helped me deal with panic attacks and a diagnosed anxiety disorder, which I had been struggling with since my late teens.
As a very sensitive and empathatic person, yoga taught me how to be more in touch with myself, my body and my emotions - experiencing that sensations as well as thoughts and feelings come and go and that none of them harm me. And if I surrender to them, allow them to pass through me and not fight with them, they disappear much more easily.
The second pillar in my portfolio are massages. Another beautiful way to bring us back into our bodies.
When we receive touch, a signal that is sent to our brain triggers the release of oxytocin – commonly known as the love drug – as well as the two other happy hormones, Serotonin and Dopamine.
Massages are less and less regarded as just a pure luxury treatment but considered more and more as a form of therapy to eleminate trauma and stress from our system, to improve mental health and to help us even with anxiety and sleeping disorders.
If this speaks to you, let’s work together - either through personalised 1:1 yoga classes or my massage treatments.
You can easily get in touch with me through the contact form.
A few words on Laghavam
….. and why I chose it.
Laghavam in Sanskrit means “lightness”. Something that I find essential in life. But why and what does it actually mean for me?
Lightness for me describes a state of mind rather than a quality in terms of weight. It is something which I find very useful, when it comes to practicing yoga and meditation but also in every day life. As for me it means being gentle with myself, allowing a kind view on all my actions - taking it light instead of taking it heavy.
It also means being cheerful and going through life and my yoga practice with a sense of humor, not taking everything so seriously. For me lightness transmits something uplifting, something illuminating.